Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises

As a Small to Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) you generally have fewer than 50 employees with earnings under $5 million per year. Although smaller than your Mid-Market rivals, SMEs actually outnumber and outperform large companies in sheer terms of job creation. The adoption of advancing technologies and manufacturing platforms narrows your productivity gap, often at more favorable cost margins.

The present state of the economy has impacted every business, from large-caps to start-ups. But the volatility has also generated significant opportunities for SMEs due to your agility and responsiveness, which better enables you to react to market conditions. Despite the overall state of the economy, SMEs drive innovation demonstrating sustained economic growth.

You have the same sales and marketing issues as your larger Mid-Market rivals. Growth, training and HR issues play a major role in your day to day operations. As an SME you must be every bit as efficient as the Mid-Market – but with less available access to capital to properly achieve your growth objectives.

Are you capital ready or capital qualified? What if anything may be holding you back? How strong is your balance sheet? Undercapitalization prevents you from acquiring the funds you may need exposing you to undue risk. Proper capitalization allows you to withstand market fluctuations and unforeseen increases to operational expenses.

The vast majority of SMEs are undercapitalized to some extent. We assist you in securing financing at your most critical times. Operational costs almost always exceed budget; income is often less than originally projected; overspending unfortunately occurs – all of which effects bottom line profitability.

Does your Balance Sheet support capital infusion? We make certain it will. As you are aware, reasonable debt is immaterial compared against inadequate cash on hand. When necessary, we de-construct your business to determine where cash flow line items may be failing to meet expectations; whether due to softening sales, ineffective management, overspending, low conversion or other obstacles that may be adversely effecting your bottom line. We start by examining where you are today – targeting where you need to be. We take all necessary steps to strengthen your balance sheet allowing for the proper capital infusion to achieve your success goals.